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Rick and Morty (B&W)

Do you like cartoons? What is your favourite one? Nowadays cartoons became more funny, humored and ironic. Rick and Morty always has unpredictable stories and sometimes it confuses me) This are portraits of Rick and Morty in b/w squiggle style.


The idea of ASCII art is quite simple. You have to split image for areas and map darkness of are with table of symbol’s darkness. But what about plotting? You cant just get text and plot it as symbols, you… Подробнее »ASCII Art


In my city, there are few places which I like! I like the atmosphere and the way how they make business. Of course business is doing well when you put your soul into it. So I decided to plot some logos of… Подробнее »Logos

Polargraph portrait series

It’s amazing how a polargraph can process the image. It allows me to plot really big posters (comparing with standard Axidraw). But it was a hard way to tune it to get satisfied result. Of course I started to plot portraits with persons who… Подробнее »Polargraph portrait series

Color Circle Series

Hey! Here we came with Circle series, that is multicolor! I made this series as a first test of loop capabilities in generative art. But it’s too boring to make simple loops, so I add some “random” deviation to get more than a bunch of elements.… Подробнее »Color Circle Series

Spiral series

Spiral series – project, which shows the beautiful result of simple algorithms. Depending on parameters you can get various forms and figures — squares, triangles, hexagons. This is one of my first project, which motivate me to dive deeper to the generative art.

Portrait Series

There are some image processing algorithms that lead to interesting result when applying to a portrait. Wave technique is among them. It processes every part of an image into the wave with different amplitude. With adjusting and tuning some params… Подробнее »Portrait Series