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Generative art. Sticks

Hello. Out of nowhere, a memory of characters written in a vertical column flashed through my mind. Apparently, in the East, inscriptions are sometimes or often arranged vertically. For someone not particularly familiar with the East, for me, characters are… Подробнее »Generative art. Sticks

Idrak portrait

Life in Russia has always been special. Every authority starts to get harder and harder from time to time. Rigidity manifests itself in the constant monitoring of all areas — it came to comedy. Now every joke is recorded and… Подробнее »Idrak portrait

Jared Leto

Musician, actor, millionaire, rock star. All this is one person, infinitely talented and epotage. Just what is it worth his role in the movie Dallas Buyers Club! I used to listen to 30 second to Mars when I was young… Подробнее »Jared Leto

Chernobyl Fireman

A terrible disaster happened 35 years ago. As a result of the explosion of 4-th reactor of the Chernobly NPP, a large amount of radioactive materials was thrown into the environment. The first to come to the rescue were firefighters… Подробнее »Chernobyl Fireman

Pulp Fiction

Do you like Tarantino movies? I do. Not all, but «Pulp Fiction» is one of the top ones, which you often want to watch again, despite the fact that you have already seen it 1000 times, and you remember the… Подробнее »Pulp Fiction

Abstraction Multicolor

As I’m novice in this area (area of plotting/programming abstractions) I often try to copy other cool plots. This plot is some kind of decomposition of plot of Andrew Strauss artist. You can see original work here. Of course it’s… Подробнее »Abstraction Multicolor

Yuri Gagarin

The first man in the Space! Space — a place that hides many secrets and discoveries. I can’t imagine how courageous you need to be to say — «Yes, I’m ready to check it myself!». After all, there were no… Подробнее »Yuri Gagarin

Lined text

There are many pensee that I like. Mainly it is phrases from song lyrics (not banal dictums). This one is from here. There is no sense to just draw text (for me). So I decided to apply some kind of… Подробнее »Lined text

Abstraction Part1

It’s been a long time since I wanted to have a practice with surface plotting. For me that kind of patterns still looks like a magic. The bunch of lines combined with each other make a sense of surface —… Подробнее »Abstraction Part1